Monday, 12 March 2012

Day 49

Ok, I really suck at keeping up with the blog. In fact, it is one of my goals to update my blog at least once a week from now until the end of the program. Things are going great with P90X. I slacked off a little last week and missed Yoga X, Legs and Back, and Kempo Karate. I personally dislike the first two. Kempo is actually pretty fun, but it is difficult to get me motivated to work out on Saturdays!

I made it to a major landmark - DAY 45. And, as promised, here are the updated pictures as of Day 45.

Day 45 Vs Day 1

There you have it folks. These are the half-way results. I'm quite happy how my body is responding to the exercise. As I mentioned in a previous post, eating right is extremely difficult. In my opinion, sticking to a healthy "diet" is more difficult than the workouts alone in P90X. I use the word "diet" carefully because I'm not just trying to lose weight, I'm trying to fuel my body to maximize my results, and that takes a lot of planning, sometimes extra cash, change of habits and eating things that I would not otherwise ever eat. 

I actually starting taking some supplements around DAY 35 or so. This has made a huge change in my performance. I do about a protein shake per day (about 50g of protein) and I usually throw in some Creatine Monohyrdrate (about 8g on heavy lifting days). With P90X the most intense, muscle straining exercises are on days 1, 3 and 5. I found that when I went to go work out on days 3 and 5, I was still tired/sore from days 1 and 3, respectively. So that is the reason for the Creatine.

I'm really happy with how my abs are coming along. Haha, ok, I know you all are laughing, but for me, I have not had any kind of definition in my abdominal area since I was 19 years old, and the only definition you could see then were ribs! I am getting through most of the moves in the Ab RipperX workout. Today I did 25 In and Outs (arms in the air!), 50 bicycles (on my back), 25 Crunchy Frogs, 12 Fifer scissors, 20ish Hip Rock and Raise, 15 pulse ups, 14 V-up Roll-ups, 25 Straight leg cross touches, 27 Oblique V-ups (15 left, 12 right), 30 leg climbs (15 each leg), and 38 Mason Twists!!!!! That's big for me. For those of you who know what any of that is I hope you can appreciate all that work. For those of you who don't know what any of that P90X. When I first started P90X I could only do about 10 of the first three moves on this workout and I would just lie on the floor for the rest of the 15 minutes until the workout was over, and that not even exaggerating!

Well, that's all for today. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my results thus far. Keep checking for more updates, and of course.....Keep BRING IT!