Well, this is the start of a new journey for me. Just for a background, I have been out of shape for most of my life, and exercise has never been a priority. I've gone through phases in my life where I work out for a period, but it never lasts more than a couple weeks. I've actually started P90X upwards of 10 times or so. It is time that I get serious and start feeling better about my body.
Beginning thoughts:
I am actually "officially" starting on Monday Jan 16, 2012, but I will give you a few thoughts about where I'm at now with my body. My starting weight is 170 lbs. I was a skinny as a rail most of my life and couldn't gain a pound to save my life. At 19 years old that started to catch up to me.
I now place myself in the "fat skinny man" category. I have no muscle tone to speak of, an unsightly belly that I can't get rid of and folds and rolls in my middle section that I would like to get rid of too. I am grossly out of shape....hiking would be a nightmare at this point in my life. Last week, a hockey game in the "nose-bleeds" left me gasping for breath after some 200 stairs. At 27 years old and with my body type this should not be happening. I have a double chin, which according to my wife makes me look 10 years older.
My eating habits are atrocious. I almost always over-eat at mealtimes, except for when I'm trying to lose weight, then I just skip meals (breakfast, or lunch, or both). I have a huge weakness for desserts. Yesterday for example I was craving cinnamon buns at 9:00 pm, so I went to the store and bought a half a dozen and ate 4 in one sitting, with three tall glasses of milk to wash it down. I finished the other 2 this morning for breakfast. I know that I am not being good to my body, but I have a hard time making the change.
In general, although I am not obese, I do not feel healthy and I'm embarrassed to be seen shirtless, yet after seeing my "before" pictures, I'm even more embarrassed because it is definitely worse than I thought. This is where I'm at on day one.
Basically, the reason I am starting this blog is to keep myself accountable. My personality is such that I cannot do anything half-way - I am "ALL OR NOTHING". Most people would see this as a good thing, and in many ways it is, but in other ways it makes accomplishing anything very difficult, because "nothing" is usually a lot easier that "all". With exercise for example, I cannot set a goal to work out for a week. My kind of goal is to work out every day....forever. So if I start on a workout schedule, and miss a day, in my mind I have FAILED and I give up.
As I said before, I have started P90X probably more than 10 times, usually not lasting more than a week or two. This time, I want to do it differently. I am going to work through all 90 day. My goal is to never miss a workout, but if I do, I will not quit until the 90 days are over and I have a new body!
My Expectations For The Program
Anybody who has ever completed, started, or even investigated P90X has probably spent time on youtube looking at P90X transformation videos. It's like watching a whole season if Biggest Loser in about 3 minutes. Most of the videos are very inspiring, and I want this journey to be inspiring, not only to others, but to myself, that I can stick to something and come out of it a better and STRONGER person.
The times that I have worked out in the past I have been quite happy with how my body responds to exercise. I'm lucky in the fact that I start to see results right away. My biggest concern is the BELLY. I also hope/believe that I will feel better about myself, have more energy and less body aches and pains from my job during and at the completion of the program.
I am not sure how exactly I want to keep the blog. I would like to make a daily post about how the workouts went that day and my thought about the program so far. My guess is that I will have a hard time making daily posts since the workouts alone consume over an hour every day, but we will play it by ear.
My wife actually made fun of me....I should actually state it in the present tense - my wife makes fun of me for creating a blog. I understand that not a lot of men do. She is more embarrassed about it than I am. My hope is that she will change her mind by about Day 30.
I have almost everything I need to start the workouts. I have two 30 lb dumbbells and a green workout band that will hopefully get me through and the lifting. I still need a chin-up bar, but my budget is tight right now and I may not be able to get it quite yet. After New Years we have been tightening up on money and I'm not sure that my wife is behind me 100% on spending money on something that she doesn't think I'll stick to...and I don't blame her. Without further ado, it is time to begin, wish me luck, and by April 9, 2012 I will be a new man.
Bring It!
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